Frequently Asked Questions | About | TorontoSnowhawks Ski & Snowboard School | Toronto + Ottawa Ontario
  • Frequently Asked Questions
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Frequently Asked Questions

We get so many questions that we have dedicated a whole page to the most common ones.

If there is any question you are unable to find an answer for or any point you require clarification or additional information on, please contact us, we're more than happy to speak with you.

Waiver: Will I be required to sign a waiver? Yes, all participants/members/guests must sign the waiver as a condition of registration and

Please select the appropriate set of Q&As

Teen & Youth Programs refers to Christmas, Saturday, Sunday & March Break programs

Wednesday Adult Getaways refers to both the full Wednesday program, and the Flex Pack


General FAQ's - Teen + Youth Programs

  • What is Snowhawks teaching philosophy? +

    Snowhawks provides excellent skiing and snowboarding instruction in a safe and stimulating environment which promotes friendship, self esteem and physical fitness. We believe that all skiers and snowboarders, from beginners to most advanced, should be challenged to develop their skills, and to develop confidence to ski and/or snowboard in all types of conditions and over diverse terrain. We also believe that everyone can and should meet with success, so our instructors plan lessons carefully to select the proper terrain, set reasonable goals and structure the learning at a comfortable pace. Above all, we pay close attention to the individual needs of each member to ensure that they are learning, having fun and feeling comfortable with others and with themselves.
  • What if my son/daughter doesn’t like it? +

    We will do everything in our power to ensure that everyone has the best winter possible. If it means the director skis or boards with your son/daughter ourselves or if a group change will do the trick, we will do it! We also offer the Snowhawks guarantee on the "Snow Kids" Mount St. Louis Traveller which is "if the parent or child after three weeks does not want to continue with the program for whatever reason (no questions asked) we will refund all of the monies pro rated!" That’s how sure we are that your son/daughter will enjoy themselves.
  • What is our make-up policy? +

    As there is only limited space on buses we are therefore constrained in our make-up policy. Make-up days are based on seat availability and are on a first come, first served basis. We will endeaver to provide make-ups for those who have missed multiple days prior to allowing members second or third make-up days.
  • What if an injury or illness precludes me from continuing with the program? +

    Provided that your purchased Injury Cancellation Protection at the time of registration and you are unable to continue with the program due to medical reasons, you will be issued a full pro-rated refund. A note from a medical doctor is required. This, however, covers long-term injuries and not those such as flu and colds.
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Contacting Us At The Hill - Teen + Youth Programs

  • How do I reach my child in a family emergency? +

    Mount St. Louis Program

    • Heather's Cell: 416 473-5805
    • Mt. St. Louis*: 877-835-2112

    Blue Mountain Program

    • Mitch's Cell: 416 565-5805
    • Blue Mountain*: 877 445-0231 x6353

    Christimas Holiday

    • Mitch's Cell: 416 565-5805

    Spring Break Camp | Mt. Tremblant

    • Mitch's Cell: 416 565-5805

    Spring Break Traveller

    • Sheryl's Cell: 416 801-1504
    • Heather's Cell: 416-473-5805
    • Mt. St. Louis*: 877-835-2112

    Please ask to leave a message for Snowhawks Raven directors, Mitch or Heather.

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Bus Questions - Teen + Youth Programs

  • What kind of buses do we use? +

    Snowhawks uses only luxury coaches. Our company of choice is Coach Canada Transportation.   There are washrooms on every bus. Skis and snowboards are stored underneath the bus for safety.

  • How are buses supervised? +

    All buses are staffed by Snowhawks adult chaperons. In addition, most of our instructors ride on the bus as well. Our staff are there to take attendance, establish and enforce some reasonable guidelines for conduct, and to generally assist members.  If you are interested in becoming one of our chaperones, please contact our office.

  • What if my child won't be taking the bus? +

    Please notify us in advance.  Parents are welcome to drive their children to the hill, but it is imperative on their part to have their child there and ready to go by the proper time.

  • How long are the bus rides? +

    Travel time to Mount St. Louis is approximately one and a quarter hours and to Blue Mountain is approximately one hour and fifty minutes. The Mt. St. Louis, Christmas and Spring Traveller Programs visit Mt. St. Louis exclusively, whereas the Blue Mountain Program travels to Blue Mountain for all 8 sessions. In addition to highway travel time, the buses also follow a route within the city which may add up to a half hour depending on where one lives. Our objective is to be at the hill for 9:00 a.m. and leave the hills at 4:00 p.m.

  • How does pick-up at the end of the day work? +

    We ask that parents be on time when picking up their child at the end of the day. If a parent is late, either an instructor, chaperon or responsible adult will stay with the child, or in some instances a chaperon may take the child home with them (if the parent is very late). On occasion, the bus may have to wait with a child and this inconveniences parents down the line, so please be on time.  If we have advance knowledge that a bus will be very late (say more than 30 minutes), we will send an email letting the parents know.

    It is the parents responsibility to be on time. Those who are late more than once might lose bus privileges with no refund. We do this as it is unfair to all the other parents further on the route who must wait or our "volunteer" parent chaperones who often have other committments upon return to the city.

  • Can my son / daughter go up on one bus and return home on another? +

    The rule of thumb here is no! Allowing this can only add confusion. In addition, there may not be space on the other bus. Having said that, accommodation can be made in certain circumstances. For instance, IF there is space and IF it is arranged in advance, allowance may be made for families where a parent is going to be out of town or if the parents no longer live together.

  • What bus company should we look for in the morning? +

    We use a company called Coach canada Transportation.  Please note, however, that on occasion charter bus companies do 'borrow' buses from each other or there might be other organizations at the same location using the same bus company. This is why we ask that you please make note of the exact location we tell you to go to and as an extra precaution, please ask the supervisor on the bus if it is a Snowhawks bus. One should also check with the supervisor that the bus is for their program… i.e. Mount St. Louis Traveller vs. Blue Mountain Traveller.

  • What if I am late for the bus? +

    The buses will attempt to be as prompt as possible. Other than the first week, they will leave the designated stop at the times indicated. Should you miss the bus, you have three options:

    1. Drive directly to the hill and inform the director of your dilemma and ask the director to make sure your son/daughter goes home on the bus;
    2. Send your son / daughter up on another Snowhawks program for that day only (ie. If you miss a bus which is scheduled to go to Collingwood that day, you may wait approximately 30 minutes for another bus which will go to a Barrie hill);
    3. Drive to another bus pick-up location which may leave later. Please check our website at the end of December, when all our bus routes will be posted.
  • How do the kids get from the bus to the hill? +

    The buses will let the kids off as close to the hill as possible. The kids will be given their lift pass on the bus. They will get off the bus wearing their ski/snowboard boots and will then gather their skis or snowboard. On the older kids’ programs, our members will walk to the hill and either go directly to their lesson or to the ski and snowboard school meeting place. On our "Snow Kids" Mount St. Louis Traveller or with younger ones on our Christmas or Spring Traveller programs, our instructors will help carry equipment and walk the children to the class meeting area.

  • Protocol for picking up a child at the hill. +

    Occassionally parents or a family friend may have to pick up a member at the hill. The following protocol should be followed.

    Common Queries and Questions

    1. Have the member provide a signed note to be given to the parent chaperone in the morning;
    2. The member should remove all personal items from the bus in the morning and put them in a locker inside the chalet;
    3. Choose a meeting area where the member should be at a designated time;
    4. If the member is being picked up at the end of the day then the bus is the best place to meet;
    5. Provide the member with the cell phone number to Heather and/or Mitch in the event of an emergency.
  • Can I be on the same bus as a friend? +

    Yes. If your friend gets on at an earlier stop, they can save you a seat. However, if your friend is on a different bus route, one of you would have to drive to a different stop to catch the other bus. Note, however, that our buses do fill and seats (and memberships) are available on a first come first served basis.

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Instruction - Teen + Youth Programs

  • Where does Snowhawks get their instructors from? +

    Approximately 90% of Snowhawks instructors are graduates of our Instructor-In-Training class. In that way, we are able to hire "insiders" that know our system well. Many hours of pre-season training, both dry land and on-hill, ensure that all staff are well versed in our expectations. In addition, ALL are certified by the Canadian Ski Instructors Alliance ("CSIA"), the Canadian Association of Snowboard Instructors ("CASI") and / or the Canadian Ski Coach's Federation ("CSCF"). Most importantly, Snowhawks instructors understand that they are concurrently teaching techniques and ensuring the safety and enjoyment of all their class members.
  • Can my son / daughter be in the same group as their friend? +

    Most definitely, provided that they are similar enough in ability and speed. It is unfair to hold up a whole group for one who is not at the level of the others. It is also unfair to have one put into a slower group just so they can be with their friend. If we feel that the group is not homogeneous enough, we do reserve the right to make changes for the benefit of all.
  • Can my son / daughter do a mix of skiing, snowboarding? +

    Only on the Blue Mountain Traveller program. A combo option is offered where they may do four weeks of one sport, followed by four weeks of the other. Student MUST do the sport they are a beginner at first followed by the sport they have experience in.  Cannot be a beginner in both.  The one drawback is that two sets of equipment are necessary. A rental option may be worthwhile in this case.
  • Should my son / daughter get into freestyle skiing / snowboarding? +

    Freestyle skiing and/or snowboarding is a lot of fun but it is not for everyone. The first issue is that participants should realize that there are increased risks of injury. Metal rails do not "give", rather it is the body that does. In additition, by going "big" off jumps means that if one loses their balance ever so slightly in the air, there is an increased chance of falling on the landing and injuring themself. Having said all of the above, freestyle is a lot of fun and a lot of the kids do love it. Better to learn from a pro and at the proper pace with the proper technique. For those inclined to joining a freestyle ski or snowboard group you will be taught the basics as well as being introduced to the different "features" indlucing jumps, rails, boxes and half pipe. The majority of the lesson period will be spent in the terrain parks. As one progresses, the instructors will proceed to more advanced features. Student MUST be at a minimum ability level of Intermediate/Advanced 
  • My son / daughter wants to learn to snowboard but I want them to perfect their ski skills first. +

    The benefits of both sports are without question. In both cases, the kids are learning a skill, they are in a positive environment and they are having fun. Many kids want to learn snowboarding so why not let them! One may also consider our learn to snowboard options on our Christmas or Spring Break Traveller programs. Ultimately the kids will want to try snowboarding at some time and they will choose for themselves which they prefer.
  • What if my son / daughter progresses quicker (or slower) than the rest of the class? +

    We begin the year with the assumption that the groups are as homogeneous as possible in terms of ability and speed. In every group, someone has to be the quickest and someone has to be the slowest. The instructor will attempt to progress the class as a unit. Some kids may pick up a new skill quicker than others. Often the group will leap frog each other as the year progresses. In cases where one child progresses at a more rapid pace than the others, adjustments can be made and are made.
  • Will my son / daughter receive extra attention if necessary? +

    Absolutely! Occasionally, a member needs an extra confidence boost or just a little extra help to reach that next level. That’s what we’re there for! Having said that, parents should also be aware that our program is structured to be a "group environment".  We simply are not equipped to provide private lessons for the whole season.  Rarely, although it does happen, a child exhibits severe anxiety and cannot function in a group environment.  Unfortunately, in these instances, we will suggest withdrawal from the program.
  • Who has an all day lesson, who has an AM lesson and who has a PM lesson? +

    On the Christmas and Spring Break Traveller programs all kids grade 4 and under have an all day lesson as do all those regardless of age at the beginner and novice levels. Kids grades 5 and up have the option to register for full or half day lessons.  During our midwinter programs all kids on the "Snowkids" & "Hawks Plus" (Mount St. Louis Traveller) and the "Raven Plus" (Blue Mountain Traveller), regardless of ability level, have a full day with the instructor, including lunch together. This includes the Instructor-In-Training class. On the "Hawks" (Mount St. Louis Traveller) some students will have a morning lesson and some will have an afternoon lesson.  They will be informed on the first day at the lineup area. On the "Raven" (Blue Mountain Traveller) some student will have a morning lesson and some will have an afternoon lesson.  They will be informed on the first day at the lineup area.  After the first 4 weeks, the classes will switch and those having a morning lesson will switch to afternoon lessons and those having an afternoon lesson will to to a morning lesson time slot. On the "Raven X Press" (Blue Mountain Traveller) there are no lessons included in this program
  • How does the free ski / snowboard period work? +

    The Snowhawks free period is a chance for our members to garner some independence and mileage in a less structured environment. It is, however, restricted to those on the "Hawks" Mt. St. Louis Traveller and the "Raven" Blue Mountain Traveller and to Grade 5 and up on our Christmas and Spring programs. Our kids are buddied up with friends or others from their group and they are then allowed to free ski/snowboard. We use a buddy system though kids can form groups of two, three or whatever number they desire. The rule, however, is that everyone must be with at least one other person. In addition, buddies have to stay within sight of each other at all times. If one has to go in for whatever reason, their buddy must go in as well. For those that don’t have a buddy, or if their buddy is away on that day, we have a "Need A Buddy" sign. The director will assign buddies to those requiring such at that time. It should also be noted that our chaperons and instructors are watching out for all members. Parents should ensure they put the Snowhawks logo sticker on their child's helmet so as to help us identify our members on the slopes. Directors keep in communication via walkie-talkie and a walkie-talkie is also provided to the ski patrol leader at the hills we visit.  Please also note that the half day format is best suited for members who come with a friend or group of friends and are mature enough to enjoy a "less structured" environment for half the day.
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Equipment + Dress - Teen + Youth Programs

  • Where should I get equipment? +

    The number one ski & snowboard retailer in the GTA is Sporting Life.  They've earned that reputation over years of satisfying their clients with their knowledge and customer service and no one stands behind their products like they do!

  • What equipment should I get? +

    Given that kids are always growing, there is probably no need to buy the best equipment possible. For youngsters, ask about the Junior Half-Back program. Sporting Life initiated this program and they are still the best! Most kids choosing to snowboard prefer a freestyle or free ride (all-mountain) board. Above all, buy something that fits well, is comfortable and is of an appropriate length, stiffness, etc. For members participating in freestyle skiing twin-tip ski's should be purchased.

  • Are helmets necessary? +

    YES - Helmets are mandatory for all members and staff.

  • How should one pack for the day? +

    The trick here is to make things as simple as possible for your son/daughter. A well-labelled ski or snowboard bag will not only protect the equipment underneath the bus, but they also make it easy on mom or dad at the pick-up location as there is less chance of taking the wrong poles, skis or board. Also, send with a small boot duffel bag and help us educate your son/daughter to put everything in it once they get back on the bus, ie. boots, goggles, gloves, neck tube, loose clothing, etc… lunches and snacks can also be stored in here. Please put names on everything!

  • How should my child dress for the day? +

    Consult the weather forecast, or check the Snowcast on the Snowhawks website for the destination of the day. Then dress accordingly, from head to toe: helmet (with optional helmet beanie or thin silk or micro-fleece balaclava); goggles (if skiing fast, or if it's a cold day); neck warmer or face mask; adjustable layers on top (polypropylene long underwear, warm fleece or sweater, vest, and ski or snowboard jacket); ski/snowboard/winter mitts or gloves; layers on bottom (polypropylene long underwear or sweat pants, snow pants, with cuffs secured over the boot tops); dedicated ski or snowboard socks (one pair only); ski/snowboard boots.

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Lunches + Snacks: Nut Free Please - Teen + Youth Programs

  • How does lunch work? +

    We are fortunate in that on all programs our kids have access to our exclusive lunch rooms which are closed to the public. This not only affords us space but also allows us to more closely control our environment. *Note that last year due to Covid the ski resorts were extremely short-staffed and they were forced to curtail food services, offering only a limited menu and/or increase the time it took to get food.  We were therefore forced to have our members all bring a lunch in the interests of expediency.  This may or may not be the case this year. If all will return to normal practices, on the "Snow Kids" Mt. St. Louis Traveller, the kids have the option of joining the meal plan or bringing their own lunch. On the "Hawks" and "Hawks Plus" Mount St. Louis Traveller, the kids may either buy their lunch in the cafeteria or bring their own. On the Mount St. Louis Traveller Programs, the chaperons will collect lunches on the bus from those who brought one. The kids will meet their chaperon in the chalet at lunch and pick-up their lunch. On the Blue Mountain Traveller Program, the majority buy lunch in the cafeteria. Those wishing to bring from home should put it in our lunch room when they arrive at the hill. On the Hawks, Hawks Plus, Raven, Raven Plus, and Raven X Press Programs, the kids can eat with whomever they choose. We ask parents to refrain from sending lunches containing nuts or nut-bi products and to make sure all lunch bags are labelled! For Christmas and Spring programs you may either send a lunch or your son/daughter can buy from the cafeteria.
  • Do the kids have a mid morning or mid afternoon break? +

    Our younger members will regularly be asked if they have to use the washroom and the instructor will oblige the kids whenever necessary. Snack breaks will also be accommodated at that time, though they will be limited to drinks and "quick" snacks. On our older kids programs, the classes will stay out for the duration of their lesson period unless the weather requires otherwise.
  • What about snacks for the ride home? +

    The kids on all programs are encouraged to bring drinks and nut free snacks for the bus ride home. Bottled water and / or juice packs are a particularly good idea. These can either be purchased in the cafeteria or brought with from home. If brought from home, they should be left on the bus, rather than lugged in and back out during the day.
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General FAQ's - Wednesday Adult Getaways

  • What is Snowhawks teaching philosophy? +

    Snowhawks provides excellent skiing and snowboarding instruction in a safe and stimulating environment which promotes friendship, self esteem and physical fitness. We believe that all skiers and snowboarders, from beginners to most advanced, should be challenged to develop their skills, and to develop confidence to ski and/or snowboard in all types of conditions and over diverse terrain. We also believe that everyone can and should meet with success, so our instructors plan lessons carefully to select the proper terrain, set reasonable goals and structure the learning at a comfortable pace. Above all, we pay close attention to the individual needs of each member to ensure that they are learning, having fun and feeling comfortable with others and with themselves.
  • May I bring a guest? +

    You may bring a guest on any Wednesday outing provided you book ahead to ensure that there is space on the bus. Cost of bringing a guest is outlined in the final information package mailed out in mid December.
  • If I registered for 4 Wednesdays and used them up, may I add a 5th or 6th? +

    Yes, you may add days incrementally. There is a slight premium charged versus those who initially signed up for the full six.
  • If I register for 4 out of 6 Wednesdays, do I need to book them in advance? +

    No need. We are quite flexible! We’ll send you the schedule of all six outings and you simply show up for any four. No need to call ahead to confirm. Just be on time for the bus. We’ll have room for you.
  • What if an injury or illness precludes me from continuing with the program? +

    Provided that your purchased Injury Cancellation Protection at the time of registration and you are unable to continue with the program due to medical reasons, you will be issued a full pro-rated refund. A note from a medical doctor is required. This, however, covers long-term injuries and not those such as flu and colds.
  • What is our make-up policy? +

    If you anticipate missing one or more of your outings on the 4 or 6 Wednesday package, for whatever reason, you may bring your spouse or a friend on a subsequent outing, or send them in your place. Our feeling is that 4 out of 6 is sufficient flexibility and hence you may not have another member use your unused portion.
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Bus Questions - Wednesday Adult Getaways

  • What kind of buses do we use? +

    Snowhawks uses only luxury coaches. Our company of choice is Coach Canada Transportation.   There are washrooms on every bus. Skis and snowboards are stored underneath the bus for safety.
  • How long are the bus rides and when do they depart and return? +

    The Wednesday Adult Get-Away travels exclusively to hills in the Collingwood area and hence highway travel time is approximately two hours. We typically arrive at the hill for 9:45 a.m. and leave at 4:00 p.m. The typical day is therefore 7:45 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
  • What if I am late for the bus? +

    The buses will attempt to be as prompt as possible. Other than the first week (where they will wait for 5 minutes), they will leave the designated stop at the times indicated.  Our last stop is at the commuter parking lot at Hwy 400 & King Rd.  Check the bus time and determine if you could make it there on time. Should you be unable to do so, your only option is to drive directly to the hill.
  • What happens when we arrive at the hill? +

    If you are very keen, you may have put your boots on as we approach the hill. In this case, we’ll get you your lift ticket quickly so you can enjoy a warm-up run or two. However, most prefer to change inside. Within about 20 minutes of arrival, groups will gather at our appointed meeting place with their instructors.
  • Can I be on the same bus as a friend? +

    Yes. If your friend gets on at an earlier stop, they can save you a seat. However, if your friend is on a different bus route, one of you would have to drive to a different stop to catch the other bus. Note, however, that our buses do fill and seats (and memberships) are available on a first come first served basis.
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Instruction - Wednesday Adult Getaways

  • Where does Snowhawks get their instructors from? +

    All of our instructors are certified Level 3 or Level 4 by the Canadian Ski Instructors Alliance and /or the Canadian Association of Snowboard Instructors and most have taught with Snowhawks in excess of 10 years. They are chosen for their passion for teaching and for their commitment to the sport we all love. They are a highly certified team but more importantly – they enjoy watching our members improve and they know that we are all there to have FUN!
  • Can I be in the same group as a friend or partner? +

    Most definitely, provided that they are similar enough in ability and speed. It is unfair to hold up a whole group for one who is not at the level of the others. It is also unfair to have one put into a slower group just so they can be with their friend. If we feel that the group is not homogeneous enough, we do reserve the right to make changes for the benefit of all. Should this occur, there is still plenty of opportunity for free skiing or snowboarding with your friend in the afternoon.
  • I haven’t skied in years! I’ve changed. The equipment has changed. Will there be a group for me? +

    Definitely! You are not alone. Many Snowhawks members enjoy returning to the sport after a long absence and they build both confidence and friendships by joining a small group of others in a similar situation. Working with a Snowhawks  instructor, everyone develops at a pace with which they feel comfortable, and there is always the possibility of starting slowly, then joining a quicker group once you rediscover your ski legs.
  • I have never skied (or never snowboarded). Is it too late to get started? +

    Of course not. Besides, look at the bright side… You have no bad habits! Working with an instructor from the start, your progress will surprise you, and it will only be limited by the number of Wednesdays you can free up for Getaways! And do feel free to contact us to discuss equipment and clothing considerations in the pre-season.
  • Who has an all-day lesson, who has a half-day lesson? +

    On the Wednesday Adult Getaway you’ll join a morning group and your instructor will guide you over the most suitable terrain of the various centres that we visit. Your instructor is available all day, so after lunch, you may continue with the group, or feel free to head out on your own to free ski or snowboard with a buddy. There are no additional costs involved. A "no lesson" option is also available if desired.
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Equipment + Dress - Wednesday Adult Getaways

  • Where should I get equipment? +

    Snowhawks is sponsored by Sporting Life and anyone who has ever shopped there will tell you that their service is second to none. On top of that they will offer additional incentives to Snowhawks members. Do be somewhat leery of second hand stores and ski/snowboard swaps. If you buy from those places, go with someone who knows equipment and make sure you pay close attention to the ski bindings. Snowhawks Equipment Rental Program is available as well. You simply arrange for a personal fitting, pick up the equipment in the Fall, use it for the season, and then return it to us in the Spring.
  • What equipment should I get? +

    Technological advancements have rendered ski equipment so much more efficient than even five years ago...and much more comfortable too. Everyone is talking about "shaped" skis, but make sure to buy the right shape! There are different profiles and stiffness for skiers at different levels. If in doubt, work with a reputable retailer (such as Sporting Life), and do feel free to consult with Snowhawks. When it comes to ski boots, go for comfort, and avoid the most common error - don’t buy boots that are too stiff! If you can’t flex them in the warm shop, you certainly won’t be able to flex them on the cold slopes.
  • How should I dress for the day? +

    The operative words are "Waterproof", "Layering" and "Breathable". Under the helmet one should have a "hot hood" and perhaps a neck tube. for the torso a moisture wicking under garment, sweatshirt and waterproof ski/snowboard jacket works best. For the legs, again a pair of moisture wicking long john's (or sweats for really cold days) and a pair of waterpfoof insulated ski/snowboard pants. One pair of socks works better than two, and again these should be specific to skiing/snowboarding so as to wick the moisture away from the foot. All members should also wear proper goggles as they protect against the elements including the cold.  Hand and toe warmers for cold days are a worthwhile option.
  • How should one pack for Wednesday? +

    The trick here is to make things as simple as possible. A well-labelled ski or snowboard bag will protect the equipment underneath the bus and also make it easy on you at the pick-up location as there is less chance of taking the wrong poles, skis or board. Also, use a boot duffel bag to put everything in once you get back on the bus (ie. boots, goggles, gloves, neck tube, loose clothing, etc.).
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Lunches + Snacks - Wednesday Adult Getaways

  • Aprés Ski/Snowboard… A Snowhawks Tradition +

    Each day at approximately 3:00 Snowhawks has our aprés ski / snowboard party. This is a chance for our members to relax and mingle before we have to get on the bus. If the conditions are great and you still have the legs ... feel free and stay out to enjoy those last runs.
  • How does Wednesday lunch work? +

    All the resorts we visit offer full cafeteria facilities. They offer a full range of food options (including many healthy choices).  Those wishing to bring their own lunch are welcome to do so as well!
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