Lesson Plan Form | Ottawa Staff | OttawaSnowhawks Ski & Snowboard School | Toronto + Ottawa Ontario

Lesson Plan Form

A lesson plan is to be designed and submitted in advance of every regular season program lesson. Complete all fields in the following form and select your Program Director (Lesson Plan Recipient) to send the lesson plan to for review. Instructors must keep a copy of their lesson in their pocket on each day that they're teaching.

Instructor Information

Instructor First Name:(*)
Please provide first name.

Last Name:(*)
Please provide last name.

Instructor Email Address:(*)
Please provide a valid email address.

Lesson Plan Recipient(*)
Please select Lesson Plan Recipient.

(Asst. Prog. Coordinator)

Program Date(*)

Please select a program date.

Program Time(*)
Please select program time.

Program Group(*)
Please select Program Group.

Ability Level(*)
Please select Ability Level.

Lesson Outline

Today's Objective or Goal:(*)
Please provide Objective/Goal.

What do you want your group to achieve today?

Skills to Focus On:(*)
Please provide Skills to Focus On.

Describe specific CASI or CSIA skills used in lesson, ie: stance & balance, pivoting, edging, pressure control, timing & coordination

Today's Warm-up Game or Exercise:(*)
Please provide Today's Warm-up Game / Exercise.

Something fun to introduce your day's objective

Lesson Progression

In the "Exercise / Game" fields below, list a logical sequence of tactics, exercises, and games to be worked on today from beginning to end, in order to achieve today's goal. Once skills have improved, allow time for mileage and consider the length of time (i.e - Half vs. Full day)

Exercise or Game 1(*)
Please provide Exercise / Game 1

Please select Terrain for Exercise / Game 1.

Exercise or Game 2(*)
Please provide Exercise / Game 2

Please select Terrain for Exercise / Game 2.

Exercise or Game 3(*)
Please provide Exercise / Game 3

Please select Terrain for Exercise / Game 3.

Lesson Summary and Evaluation(*)
Please provide Lesson Summary / Evaluation

How will your lesson end? Consider final runs on easier terrain, competitions, small awards as tokens of success, etc.