GRADES: 1-12
The Gatineau Traveller is offered only on Sundays.
For Saturday programming, please see the Laurentian Traveller
This program stays closer to home in the Gatineaus, with six motor coach outings to hills such as Centre Vorlage, Mt Cascades, Mt Ste-Marie & Sommet Edelweiss. However, the Gatineau Traveller also ventures into the Laurentians twice, featuring Mt Blanc. Emphasizing fun, skill development and supervision, Snowhawks Instructors lead small groups each week according to age and ability. Half-day lessons are complemented by supervised, buddied free skiing or snowboarding and special events such as races, turning derby, medal testing and a pizza party. Full-day lessons and close supervision are provided for those in grades 1 through 4 or 5, and for all beginner skiers and snowboarders. Also, Ski-Snowboard Combo option is available.
A no-lesson option is available for those in grades 10 and up. See Snowhawks Express program for details.
Would mom & dad like to learn to ski? A limited number of spots on the Sunday Gatineau Traveller may be available for parents who would like to learn to ski. At least one child must be registered in the program! Please contact Snowhawks Ottawa to signal your interest and to discover more.
Instructor-In-Training (IIT)
For advanced skiers and snowboarders aged 14 and up, this group will prepare those interested in becoming nationally certified instructors. Many successful “graduates” are now teaching with Snowhawks, and at mountains across Canada.
Rental Equipment
Trying a sport for the first time? Into a growth spurt? Perhaps not ready to invest in new gear? No worries... Snowhawks has rental equipment reserved for members at excellent, discounted prices. Find out more!
- 8 Sundays
- Jan. 12 » Mar. 2, 2025 - Itinerary TBD
- $ 1,235* for first family member
- $ 50* discount for additional brother(s) / sister(s)
- $ 200* discount for no-lesson option (grades 10+)
- $ 60* surcharge applies to IIT option (50% refunded if later hired by Snowhawks)
- $ 45* Medical Cancellation Protection (optional but recommended)
- $ 25 late fee applied after Dec 15
*All prices (except Late Fee) are subject to HST
Waiver must be agreed to during online registration process.