Ability LevelsSnowhawks Ski & Snowboard School | Toronto + Ottawa Ontario
  • Abilities
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What Ability Are You?Required on Registration Form


  • beginnerBeginner First time skier or has tried it before, but still needs work on stopping and turning.
  • noviceNovice Able to link wedge turns consistently. Working on matching skis into parallel.
  • intermediateIntermediate

    Able to link skidded parallel turns on most terrain.
  • advancedAdvanced
    Consistent parallel turns on all terrain, demonstrating edging & pressure control skills.
  • expertExpert Dynamic parallel turns on all terrain, and ready to perfect moguls and short radius technique.


  • beginnerBeginner First-time rider or has tried it before but still needs work on stopping and linking turns.
  • noviceNovice Consistently linking skidded turns. Able to stop on demand.
  • intermediateIntermediate Consistently linking edged turns.
  • advancedAdvanced Able to perform carved turns (edging with flexion / extension) and basic maneuvers.
  • expertExpert Confident rider who can carve, ride switch and perform short radius on any run, in all conditions.